Friday, 11 December 2015

Interview questions -12

1. Different phases considered while building the dashboard ?
2. Challenges faced while building the dashboard ?
3. How do you determine the timeline when you get any request to build a dashboard and justify
4. What are the criteria one should consider to build an efficient dashboard ?

Saturday, 28 November 2015

If I create my reports in 8.3 can I open in 9.0.0 version? for some reason not able to open the reports..Fix

1. Identify the Workbook which contains the Old connection 2. Identify the Data Source which needs to be edited within the Workbook 3. Save the Data Source to an .XML file (.twbs) on a local file system 4. Open the .twbs file in a Notepad or Notepad++ 5. Create an Excel spreadsheet with the original table names, column names and the corresponding new table and column names 6. Need to search the file for the “Old tables” names listed in the .twbs a. Note down the line numbers or save the output in to an excel or ascii file b. Edit the old columns names also in the entire file c. Edit the join criteria with the right join condition (inner as opposed to full outer) 7. Upon completion of the changes, search for any old values if any 8. Open the .twbs in tableau desktop and ensure that there are no errors 9. Now open the workbook and replace the old datasource with new one.

Interview Questions-11

1) tell me about yourself? we go through your experience?
2) What are the reports yo have generated so far, tell me about the reports you generated in your project?
3) Have you created the rompts?  parameters?
4) Quick filter vs Context filter
5) Duplicates only records ..i need to get usng calculated fields
6) dwh ..dimensions, facts
7) foriegn key where it will be defined?
8) what is primary key and foreign key?
9) what is the difference between right outer join and union all?
10) What is union and what are all the type of joins ?
11) What is a surrogate key?
12) what is measures and dimensions?

interview questions-10

1)      Tell me about yourself? and your roles and responsibilities in the project?
2)      Why do you want to use many data sources in your project?
3)      What is data modelling?
4)      What is Star Schema?
5)      What kind of schema you will be using in your project?
6)      What are all the different data sources you used in your project?
7)      How many ways you can connect to your data sources?
8)      How you will refresh the extracts?
9)      What batch scripts you written to refresh the extracts?
10)   What is data blending?
11)   How many dimensions/measures  you can add as rows  or columns by default?
12)   What are all different actions you have it in Tableau?
13)   How to select top 5 rows?
14)   How to do to select top 5 rows  with filter condition?
15)   How you will do it with filters?
16)   Can I apply the sets as filter in multiple worksheets?
17)   How do you improve the performance of your report? What you will do to fix it?
18)   What are all the actions available and how to use them?
19)   Have  you written customSQL ? How do you use customSQL queries?
20)   Any questions for me?

Friday, 27 November 2015

interview questions-9

1) Tell me about yourself?
2) are you leading any teams?
3) How you will interact with your customers?
4) What is the critical issue you have faced recently? How did you resolved that?
5) What is the ticket monitoring tool you are using in your company?
6) What is the process to fix a production issue? how you will fix it?
7) What is the advantage of using Tableau for Visualization? Tell me some benefits?
8) Have you lead the teams in the current company?
9) What are all the other technologies you are using for reporting in your organization?
10) What are all the databases you used in your current project?
11) Have you worked on ETL side and what are all you have done in ETL front?
12) Tell me some scenarios when you will work with ETL team and create the tables?
13) What sort of projects you are currently handing? are they all are support/maintenance/Development?
14) are you flexible to work in a support kind of a project?
15) Reason for changing the job?

interview questions-8

1) Tell me about yourself?
2) have you worked on DWH also?
3) What is Star schema and what is Snow Flake Schema?
4) Which Schema are you using it in your company?
5) what is the difference between other reporting tools and Tableau?
6) How is Metadata differed in Tableau and other reporting tools?
7) What is data blending? 
8) what are the filters in Tableau?
9) what is a parameter in tableau? how you will use it?
10) Can you use a group in calculation field?
11) What is meant by sets in tableau?
12) What is the difference between SUM and Windows_Sum ?
13) How to set the user filters?
14) What sort of activities you have performed in Tableau server side?
15) what is the default view in Tableau (desktop/laptopany other)?
16) How you will set the context filter in Tableau Server?

interview questions-7

1) Tell me about yourself?
2) What are the differnet data sources you used in your project?
3) What are the different type of data source connections available in Tableau?
4) What is the difference between TWB and TWBX file types?
5) Can i open TWB and TWBX files in Tableau Reader?
6) What is a filter in tableau?
7) What is the difference between quick filter and context filter? 
8) How many types of actions do we have in Tableau?
9) what is an action filter?
10) what is the difference between Action filter and Context filter?
11) What are groups in Tableau? Can i use groups in a calculated field? or in a filter?
12) What are sets? Can i use it as a filter?
13) What is a heat map in Tableau? 
14) what are parameters, How you will use it in Tableau?
15) what is datablending? what is the primary datasource when you use datablending?
16) i have three tabs in an excel sheet and in this case which technique you will be used? Data blending or Joins?
17) what is the difference between datablending and Joins?
18) what is meant by a site in Tableau server?
19) what kind of challenges you faced while working on the desktop?
20) what is relative date filter?
21) How do you see the time series measures in Tableau?
22) Say i have a country and having many states in it and its sales which chart you will show ?
23) What is bubble chart, Pie chart?
24) how many types of maps are there in Tableau?
25) In DWH, what are the different types of measures available?
26) What is a Star schema, Snow Flake schema?
27) what is web-authoring in tableau server?
28) What does the interactor role wil do ? How will he interact from the server dashboard?
29) What are the differneces between 8.0 and 8.1 version?
30) Say i have a table with column as A and the values as x,y,z and i want to display x as a column in my dash 
    board, how to do that? hint is calculated fields.
31) what kind of activities you did it in server side?

interview questions-6

1) Tell me about yourself?
2) What are the roles and responsibilities in your project?
3) What is the difference betweeen live connection and Extract?
4) What is data blending ? can i do the same with joins?
5) Is it possible to do data blending for the same data source?
6) What is a quick filter, context filter, action filter?
7) what sort of join it will perform in data blending technique?
8) I have a scenario to view the bar chart and a line chart based on the users? how to do that?
9) what are the different actions availbale in tableau?
10) Give me some examples on when do you use what? 
11) How to setup the userr security filter in Tableau?
12) what are the table calculations used in tableau?
13) what are the tasks you have done in Tableau server side?
14) what are the new features available in Tableau 9.0?
15) which version you have used in your project? did you used 9.0 ?
16) what is LOD in tableau?
17) what are the things which you dont like in tableau?
18) how to setup user security filter?
19) tell me an example for parameters in Tableau when you have used?

Interview Questions-5

  1. Tell me about yourself?
  2. What is your roles and responsibilities in this current project?
  3. What are the activities you have done while doing mentoring?
  4. Did you do any development apart from managing?
  5. how many hours you  work on an  average on management vs development?
  6. How many workbooks you have developed?
  7. How many dashboards you have developed?
  8. How many worksheets each dash board contains?
  9. How you will fit 6 to 7 sheets in a single dash board?
  10. What kind of paper you will use for printing? Have you printed any dashboards?
  11. In a tableau server, when i am trying to print the dash board i am getting a blank page..why?
  12. what is a filter and what is a parameter?
  13. what are sets and groups?
  14. can i select multiple parameter values and drag it to the calculation field?
  15. what are all the calculation functions you have used in tableau?
  16. can i use a group in the calculation fields ?
  17. what is the work around if you want add the groups in the calculation fields?
  18. what are all the different actions you have it in Tableau and explain?
  19. when you have a table and only 1 dimension and ten values, when you apply a quick filter how many values
  20. you will get in quick filter?
  21. can i insert a dashboard in to an another dashboard?
  22. how do you improve the performance of the workbook? 
  23. what are the improvements from the end user perspective when you compare it with 8.2 version WRT 9.0 version?
  24. what kind of a views you developed in the dashboard? have you used any lines, graphs, charts etc?
  25. when you printed your dashboard, you have a large fonts and your customer wants to change it? what you will do here?
  26. what color pallet you have used by default?
  27. Have you developed any custom colors and how did you do that?
  28. Have you developed any custom images and explain how did you do that?
  29. what are all the databases you have used in your project?
  30. when you use excel, which contains 100 columns and you want only 10 columns ? how do you do that?
  31. can i use customSQL here for excel to pull only 10 columns? 
  32. we have 2014&2015 data ,now we can restrict 2014 data,in our dashboard we use only 2015 data only ,how can we restrict that 2014 data.
  33. .we take some state sales in that we have NULL values ,now how can we delete NULL values in wrksheet ?
  34. .we can use buttons in tableau?if yes how?i want 1 button in one dashboard ,we can select that button it will shows related information in dashboard
  35. I have a table and i want to  create an another table by using the data from the first table. How do you write the query?
  36. .I have a table with 2 columns and 100 records, i have the table b with the same data . Now, I have to use both the tables only once in the query and fetch the records. How many queries you can write, ? how many ways you can write the sql queries, and what are all the results you can get from this?
  37. Have you worked on Data Analysis rate yourself?
  38.  Any questions for me?
  39.  difference between sum and windows sum.
  40. What is the default colour pallet in tableau? what are all the other color pallets you have used?

Interview Questions -4

1) Tell me about yourself?
2) Which schema will be good for performance wise? Snow Flake Schema
3) Write a query to display top 3 employees by salary?
    SELECT *FROM emp 
    ORDER BY Salary desc
WHERE rownum <= 3
ORDER BY Salary ;
4) Write a query to display 3rd highest salary in an emp table?
Select TOP 1 Salary as '3rd Lowest Salary' 
from (SELECT DISTINCT TOP 3 Salary from Employee ORDER BY Salary ASC) 

 Select TOP 1 Salary as '3rd Highest Salary' 
from (SELECT DISTINCT TOP 3 Salary from Employee ORDER BY Salary DESC) 
a ORDER BY Salary ASC 

5) Have you worked on Tabcmd? what and all yu have done?
6) how do you refresh an extract from the Tableau server using Tabcmd and what are the different arguments or parameters 
we need to pass to it?
7) what is a filter and what is an action filter? 
8) what is data blending and how do you customize the common field for data blending?
9) I have a dimension called products and i have to display top 5 products and the remaning as others? In a single
 view do you do that?
10) what is adhoc analysis or reporting? 
11) I have a database and i have to setup the environment for my customers who willdo the adhoc analysis? How do you do that?
12) Can i pass the parameters to an URL?
13) How do you setup the User security filters in Tableau?
14) what is a data source? Have you ever sseen a datasource in tableau server?
15) what are all the different steps you will take to improve the performance?
16) how do you improve the performance of calculation fields?
17) can i use parameters on  a secondary source (data blending) columns?
18) when you publishing the you need to sign on to Tableau server?

Calculate the number of days in a year formula

DATEPART(‘dayofyear’,DATE(“12/31/”+DATENAME(‘year’,[Order Date])))

Interview Questions -3

1) Tell me about yourself?
2) How did you learned tableau? who gave the training?
3) How many dashboards you have created so far? what is your team size? 25 is your share or the entire teams share?
4) What is TDX file?
5) What is the size of the data extracts you used in your project?
6) what are the different sources you used in your project?
7) say suppose i am using a live connection and how you will refresh the data?
8) How frequently you will refresh your extracts? do you have any data extracts like daily , weekly , monthly?
9) i conencted the source with a live conenction and how tableau will refresh the data when ever updates happened at the database level?
10) have you used sets? explain with a scenario?
11) what the different functions available in quick table calculations?
12) what is a context filter? what are the advantages and disadvantages of using context filter?
13) what is a parameter and tell me where and all you can use it ? asked multiple scenarios/example when you will use parameters?
14) what is an action filter? 
15) what is an user filter? where do you implement the user filters?
16) what is the advantage of quick filters?
17) Explain how you will create the waterfall chart, including the calculations or formulas you use to achieve it?
18) what is content chart? 
19) what are all the different type of actions you have it in Tableau? explain each one of it?
20) I have a dashboard and my user when clicked on something it should navigate to another view? how do you do that?
21) what si network chart in tableau? do we have any other types of charts in tableau which were not available in Show me?
22) when you use excel, sql, db2, access which one will give better performance while extracting?
23) what is data blending? what are the limitations we have if we use data blending? 
24) what is the difffernce between data blending and the table joins? why do we go for data blending?
25) what is a path shell?
26) what is a page in tableau?
27) how do you publish your workbook to the server? who will do that?
28) do you invovle in publishing the workbooks in the server and share it with your customer using a web link?

Average of Last Day, Week, Month, quarter formula

Past day:
zn(LOOKUP(AVG(IF [Date] >= ([End Date] -1) then [Sales] END),0))

Past month:
zn(LOOKUP(AVG(IF [Date] >= ([End Date] -30) then [Sales] END),0))

Past Week:
zn(LOOKUP(AVG(IF [Date] >= ([End Date] -7) then [Sales] END),0))

90 days avg:

IF [Date] >= ([End Date] -90) then [Sales] END

End date is a parameter and Date is coming from the source like Order date in Sample Superstore.

Interview questions-2

1) Explain the difficult scenario which you faced reccently and how you solved it?
2) say we have big bazar in Karnataka and htey have many stores in bangalore. I want to display my view with state, city, store number, monthly sales, order date.
ho will you do that? you have to choose only the three variables in your shelfs.
3) How do you create the year calculated field without heirarchy field?
4) How long you worked in tableau admin side?
5) how do you improve the performance of the report for the same example,lets say ihave 25 mn records? that has 10 yrs of data .
6) if i put context filtes on state level we can filter some values. What if the user wants to dynamically keyin the values and choose the state
   your approach should improve the performance.
7) If you use sets and then filters again you will have the performance issue only right?
8) Once you finish the dashboard how you will place it in the sharepoint or ocs website?
9) What are the dashboards you have created so farand can you tell me what are all the views you used in it?
10) have you written custom sql's ?
11) I want to display the viw in such a way that current year , quarte, month of eachyear with the previous year? how do you do that?
    how do you do that graphically? 
12) what is a dual axis ? 
13) how the context filter work in tableau?
14) how do you use the lookup function in the calculated field.
15) have you created the heirarchies?
16) i have a scenario like lot of duplicates are there in the table and it dont have any referential integrity , unique key, nothing
    i want to remove all the duplicates using the delete statement as an sql? How do you do that? write it in an SQL prompt?
17) have you worked on single sign on?
18) how do you control the access of the user to see only certain reports he is authorized to. Where you will set that details and how you will do it?
19) tell me some workarounds you have done in Tableau?

Interview questions-1

  1. Tell me about yourself briefly ? an the project which you are currently working on Tableau ?
  2. What is the size of the data extracts do you have in your project?
  3. How many rows for 3.5 gb data extract means will be huge right? 
  4. I have a geographic field, sum(sales), I need to display the comparision between current year and previous year, And i ahve a filter on
  5. quarter from 2014 Q1 thru 2015 Q1? How would you achieve it?
  6. If i filter the data for 2014 q1 thru 2015 q1 then how you will display the data for all previous years?
  7. When you use a calculated field, how tableau knows internally it has to compare with previous years sales? what is the tableau background process that 
  8. happens in this scenario?
  9. How do you create a calculated field to compare the current year with previous year? What function you use to do it?
  10. Can i have a dynamic values in parameters? 
  11. I have a dashboard with 5 views in it and when i select the dropdown list and select one view it should display that view alone. How to do that?
  12. When you will use ATTR function?
  13. I have a region . discounts and product heirarchies ..which one you will choose to have a context filter?
  14. Say i have used two context filters and how Tableau knows that it will create first one yuo choosed and based on that the second context filter to act?
  15. Have you worked on the server side?
  16. Do you have any questions for me?
  17. how do you check the performance of the dashboard?what you will do to improve the performance?
  18. what are the different functions available while creating a calculated field?

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Previous Year YTD formula

if [Order Date] <= [date]-365
and DATEPART('year',DATEADD('month',12,[Order Date])) = DATEPART('year',DATEADD('month',12,[date]-365))
then [Sales]

Date is the parameter here..

Option 2:

sum(if year([Order Date]) = year([date])-1 and 
[Order Date] <= dateadd('year',-1,[date]) then [Sales] END)

Interview questions -12

1. Different phases considered while building the dashboard ?
2. Challenges faced while building the dashboard ?
3. How do you determine the timeline when you get any request to build a dashboard and justify
4. What are the criteria one should consider to build an efficient dashboard ?

Thursday, 10 September 2015

YTD Formula

Option 1:

datediff('year', [Order Date], [date]) =0  and
month([Order Date]) <= month([date]) and
date( [Order Date]) <= date([date]) then [Sales] 

Here date is the parameter

Option 2:

if [Order Date] <= [date]

and DATEPART('year',DATEADD('month',12,[Order Date])) = DATEPART('year',DATEADD('month',12,[date]))
then [Sales]

Option 3: 

sum(if year([Order Date]) = year([dateinput]) and [Order Date] <= [date] then [Sales] END)

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Color formatting along with text , color , KPI and shape for more than one measure

Say you have 7 or more measures and you need to show the KPI indicators along with the text values. This is a kind of challenge we faced
In order to successfully implement this scenario.

Here are the steps we followed in order to achieve it. We chose Dual axis method for this scenario.
For the time being i am showing it for one measure, you can do it for all of them in the same way.

1. Create two  calculated fields name it as ‘Color’ and ‘Color text’ respectively with value as 1.
2. Drag Color and Color text fields to Column shelf
3. By default it will be aggregated as SUM. So, Change it to Attribute.
4. Right Click on Color Text and make it as Dual Axis.(if you want you can also chose the               shapes instead of the default Abc text.
5. Now Create one more calculated field  say KPI-Sales to define the KPI values for each               measure.(Green > 50k, Red <10k, Yellow <30, like that).
6. When you see marks shelf you will notice the columns ATTR(Color) and ATTR(Color text).
7. Click on the Color Text 
8. Drag the calculated field KPI-Sales to the color shelf and assign/map the colors              
9. Drag the measure (Sales) to the label shelf.
10. You will be able to see the Color and text for the Measure in your view.
11. Now you need to do the formatting of the name, fonts, column colors etc..
12. That’s all guys .. 

Enjoy :)

Friday, 17 July 2015

How to set the filter value default to none ..

Sometimes we may have a requirement to show the blank sheet in the dashboard.
User will have to give the inputs in the filter and then accordingly display the reports in the dashboard.

These are the steps you need to follow..

1.Click on the filter customize 
3.deselect the show ALL option
4.change the filter to single drop down mode will see the default value present in the filter
6.Now Edit the filter
7. In the general tab you see all the values will also see ALL , NONE tabs.. on None tab and on OK
11.Now your filter shows the default value as None.


Friday, 10 July 2015

Tableau Starter Kit

1. Download the Tableau Software and Install it in your computer.
2. Access the Starter Kit Workbook  from the link
3. And  enjoy learning Tableau Desktop Tool within 20 days.
Source : Tableau Digital Team 

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Important notes in Tableau Desktop

Important notes in Tableau Desktop

  • Multidimensional data sources do not support aggregations and binned data.
  • Multidimensional data sources supports only in windows.
  • You can use tableau to aggregate measures only with relational data sources, multidimensional data sources contain aggregated data only.
  • Null values are ignored in median, count, sum, avg and countD.
  • Median does not work on live connection.
  • Median was not there before 8.2 version.
  • Percentile required extract data. Percentile works with only extracts.
  • When all measures are disaggregated you see a mark for each row in the view, you can't select marks to keep only, exclude or create a set when all measures are disaggregated.
  • A dimension can be aggregated as a measure using minimum, maximum, count and count (distinct)
  • Count (Distinct) is not support for Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel and text files data sources. These data sources requires extract to work with CountD
  • Dis-aggregating the data can result in a performance degradation.
  • When you are writing formulas, any part that displays in bold indicates that it will be computed locally with in tableau on the aggregated results. Any normal weight text will be computed at the database level.
  • Functions are displayed in Blue color while creating calculation field.
  • Data window fields are displayed in Orange color while creating calculation field.
  • Operators are displayed as Blank color while creating calculation field.
  • Parameters are displayed as Purple color while creating calculation field.
  • Comments are colored as Green color while creating calculation field.
  • Grand Totals cannot be applied to continuous dimensions.
  • The view must have at least one header to apply Grand Totals.
  • If row headers are displayed you can calculate Grand Total for row, If column headers are displayed you can calculate Grand Total for column.
  • Forecasting is not supported for multidimensional data sources.
  • Forecasting doesn’t work if the view contains:
    (a) Table calculations
    (b) Disaggregated measures
    (c) Percent calculations
    (d) Grand Totals or Sub Totals
    (e) Date values with aggregation set to exact date
    (f) A time series contains null values also imposes constraints.
  • The smaller the p-value, the more significant the model.
  • If your data contains negative values tableau cannot plot them on a logarithmic scale. All values with a negative value will be displayed at 1 on the axis.
  • The pattern match is not case sensitive in filters wild card match.
  • If we are using multidimensional data source wild card match option is only available when filtering single level hierarchies and attributes.
  • Filters cannot be applied across multiple data sources.
  • In previous versions of tableau desktop, the All using this data source option was called make global and the only this worksheet option was make local.
  • Sorted fields are identified by a sort icon on the right side of the field.
  • You cannot nest inner joins within left or right joins. These joins will cause a "join expression not supported" error.
Source : Suresh Reddy NallapaReddy

Monday, 29 June 2015

Some Findings While Working on Tableau


  • More than 16 dimensions is not possible in table layout
  • Side by side bar with line chart is not possible
  • Exporting all dashboards or all sheets in a single dashboard in to single excel file is not possible
  • When title as header session it is not showing all values as list, it is showing it as 5 more
  • There is no multiple selection in parameters
  • If we use data base column in parameters list that list is not refreshing dynamically.
  • Dynamic pagination is not there.
  • Session is not there (like SAP BO)
  • Automatic text wrapping is not there
  • Selected prompt values deselecting multiple values is not there like other reporting tools.
  • Sort icon is not working as other reporting tools
  • Tableau taking much time to sort the filter values.
  • CountD, Median, percentile functions does not work when we use data blending.
  • Adding subtotals and totals is not possible when we add measures in between dimension columns in discrete mode.
  • In cross tab report Coloring to entire row based on KPI is not possible in tableau
  • Zero value issues in Pie, Bar chart and Bubble chart with Marks labels
Source : Suresh Reddy Nallapa Reddy

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Top 10 and Bottom 10 values by Sales

1) First you create a set for top 10 Products by Right click on a product field-> then create a set -> then select "Top" ->  then define "10", choose "Sales"  with sum.

2) Create second set  for create Bottom 10 Products by right click on a product field -> create a set -> then select bottom -> then define 10, choose sales with sum

3)  now combine the first and second set, by clicking on any one of the sets and -> selecct combine set -> select all values 

4) First drag the sales in to rows shelf, and then Products in to columns shelf.

5) Now drag the combine set in to the filter shelf... now your view will have only top 10 and bottom 10 values by sales.

Friday, 1 May 2015

Tableau Connection Error - 127

Once in  six months or an year, We used to recieve a connection error called 127 in Tableau especially when we connected to an Oracle Database.  It means the database connection drivers might be out of date.

Fix for this is : We need to downlaod the right version of Oracle Instant client, Unzip it to the Oracle folder and then add it to the system Environment variable Path.

After that you should restart your Tableau server. That's it...

How to Create Installation log in Tableau?

Step 1: Download the Tableau Desktop or Tableau Reader installer to your machine, to the location of your choice.
Step 2: Click the Start button.
Step 3: In the search box, type Command Prompt. In the list of results, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.
Step 4: Type cd c:\ to change the drive directory to c:
Step 5: Type cd and the path to the location where you downloaded the Tableau Desktop or Tableau Reader installer in step 1.
For example, cd Users\<username>\Desktop. The <username> must be replaced with your Windows username.
Step 6: For Tableau Desktop, type TableauDesktop.exe /t:"full path to the folder of your choice"/c to simultaneously extract the Tableau Desktop installer to a folder that is created with a name of your choice.

For Tableau Reader, type 

For Tableau Reader, type TableauReader.exe /t: "full path to the folder of your choice"/c.
For example, TableauDesktop.exe /t:"c:\Users\<username>\Desktop\TableauDesktopTemp"/c.
Step 7: Type cd and the name of the folder you created in step 6.
For example, cd TableauDesktopTemp.
Step 8: Type dir to see the contents of this folder.
Make note of the full name of the .msi file contained in this folder. For example, the full name of Tableau Desktop .msi file may look similar to this, tableau-setup-std-tableau-6-1.11.0724.1830.msi.
Step 9: Type msiexec /i fullfilename.msi /l*v logfile.txt to install Tableau. Everything that happens during this installation process is recorded in the installation log called "logfile.txt".

Replace"fullfilename.msi" with the full file name you noted in step 8. For example, 

Replace"fullfilename.msi" with the full file name you noted in step 8. For example, msiexec /i tableau-setup-std-tableau-6-1.11.0724.1830.msi /l*v logfile.txt.
Step 10 (optional):If an error or other issue occurs during installation, navigate to the folder you created in step 6. It will contain the installation log called "logfile.txt".