Friday, 27 November 2015

Interview Questions -3

1) Tell me about yourself?
2) How did you learned tableau? who gave the training?
3) How many dashboards you have created so far? what is your team size? 25 is your share or the entire teams share?
4) What is TDX file?
5) What is the size of the data extracts you used in your project?
6) what are the different sources you used in your project?
7) say suppose i am using a live connection and how you will refresh the data?
8) How frequently you will refresh your extracts? do you have any data extracts like daily , weekly , monthly?
9) i conencted the source with a live conenction and how tableau will refresh the data when ever updates happened at the database level?
10) have you used sets? explain with a scenario?
11) what the different functions available in quick table calculations?
12) what is a context filter? what are the advantages and disadvantages of using context filter?
13) what is a parameter and tell me where and all you can use it ? asked multiple scenarios/example when you will use parameters?
14) what is an action filter? 
15) what is an user filter? where do you implement the user filters?
16) what is the advantage of quick filters?
17) Explain how you will create the waterfall chart, including the calculations or formulas you use to achieve it?
18) what is content chart? 
19) what are all the different type of actions you have it in Tableau? explain each one of it?
20) I have a dashboard and my user when clicked on something it should navigate to another view? how do you do that?
21) what si network chart in tableau? do we have any other types of charts in tableau which were not available in Show me?
22) when you use excel, sql, db2, access which one will give better performance while extracting?
23) what is data blending? what are the limitations we have if we use data blending? 
24) what is the difffernce between data blending and the table joins? why do we go for data blending?
25) what is a path shell?
26) what is a page in tableau?
27) how do you publish your workbook to the server? who will do that?
28) do you invovle in publishing the workbooks in the server and share it with your customer using a web link?

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